endlich - nach gefühlten Wochen und Monaten habe ich es fertig gebracht, meine Kettingkarte zu Katrins Travel arround the world für Catherine fertig zu bekommen. Wie gerufen kam mir dabei natürlich der Bücherflohmarkt unserer Stadtbücherei, bei der ich eine Merian Rom Zeitschrift ergattern konnte.
finally - after felt weeks and months I finished my kettingcard for Katrins Travel arround the world, I made it for Catherine. Just at right time, the fleamarket of out library came, where I could snatch the merian rome journal.
6 Kommentare:
Du lieber Himmel, Sandra.
Was ist die schön geworden.
Was lange währt, wird besonders gut...
Erstaunliche Karte! Super genial :)
This card lives with me now and it's fantastic!
(S, the part I was talking about is in the lower left corner where the map meets the images of people. It's very smooth, can hardly tell is is added. And is the pale white design gesso or paint or ink or ....?)
Beautiful work, I love it.
This card lives with me now and it's fantastic!
(S, the part I was talking about is in the lower left corner where the map meets the images of people. It's very smooth, can hardly tell is is added. And is the pale white design gesso or paint or ink or ....?)
Beautiful work, I love it.
This card lives with me now and it's fantastic!
(S, the part I was talking about is in the lower left corner where the map meets the images of people. It's very smooth, can hardly tell is is added. And is the pale white design gesso or paint or ink or ....?)
Beautiful work, I love it.
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